Ruby gets the giant boobs she’s always wanted, by inflating balloons with a hand pump under her sweater in our newest clip at Emmas Balloons!
Click here for a free teaser clip of Ruby’s big balloon boobs!
Ruby gets the giant boobs she’s always wanted, by inflating balloons with a hand pump under her sweater in our newest clip at Emmas Balloons!
Click here for a free teaser clip of Ruby’s big balloon boobs!
Kitty fulfills another member request this week at Emmas Balloons! She’s attached a balloon to a hand pump via some long tubing, and stuffed the balloon into her spandex shorts. Using the pump, the balloon inflates, stretching her clothing’s limits. Kitty’s first balloon even pops under the pressure in her shorts!
Click here for a free teaser clip of Kitty’s inflation under her clothes!
We’ve had several requests at Balloon Bounce, for a scene where a balloon is inflated while a model is on it. Kitty took this one on, sitting on a 40 inch tilco balloon, and trying to pump it herself while riding it. Eventually it gets so big that Kitty can barely hoist one leg over it, let alone use the pump at the same time. We brought in a motorized pump to finish the job, and the balloon popped under Kitty!
Click here for a quick teaser clip of Kitty riding while inflating!
Adele uses a handpump to inflate three forty inch tilco balloons in this week’s clip at Smoke And Balloons. Once they’re big and tied, she lights up a Misty cigarette and cig pops them!
Click here for a free teaser clip of Adele popping with a Misty cigarette
Adele has a blast in this new clip at Emmas Balloons. We gave her the better part of a box of latex gloves (yes, the cheap ones) and let her go to town with them and an old Qualatex inflator, blowing them to bits in rapid succession!
Click here for a free teaser clip of Adele’s latex glove pump popping!
Kitty teases us, inflating these pretty green balloons on the zibi in this new clip at Blow to Burst. We know they’re going to pop, we just don’t know when, and sometimes it happens sooner than we’re expecting!
Click here for a free sample clip of Kitty’s zibi pump tease!
Alternating between her mouth and a hand pump, Ava blows up a big star print balloon till it’s nice and full in this new clip at Emmas Balloons this week.
Click here for a free teaser clip of Ava’s big balloon blow!
Using two types of hand pump, Kitty inflates three different fitness balls in our newest clip at Frisky-Business this week. Plenty of gratuitious shots of Kitty’s hot ass in this clip, as she bends to work the bike pump đŸ˜‰
Click here for a free teaser clip of Kitty’s inflation of fitness balls!
Adele has been told that she needs to make up for that cheat she pulled last summer. We gave her a 40 inch Tilco and told her to get to work in this week’s clip at Blow to Burst. She’s allowed to use the zibi for some of the load, but she must do the heavy lifting herself. Adele really makes an honest effort to blow to pop this big balloon by mouth. After a while though, she was on the verge of passing out, so we let her use the pump to finish up. A great 24+ minute scene!
Click here for a free sample clip of Adele’s giant blow to burst!