Category Archives: Smoke and Balloons

Virginia Slims Cig Pop

cigarette and balloon
Xev lights up a Virginia Slims cigarette, and proceeds to have a little fun in this week’s clip at Smoke And Balloons. She is surrounded by balloons- small ones, a big 40 inch, and a bunch filled with helium. Xev uses her 120 to cigpop them, even the 40 inch while she’s sitting on it!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Xev cig popping with her Virginia Slims.

Deep Drags

cigarette and balloon
Taking deep drags in this week’s clip at Smoke And Balloons; Alexxia smokes a Marlborough Lites 100 and uses it to cig pop her balloons.

Click here for a free teaser clip of Alexxia smoking and cigpopping.

Kitty Smoking In Jeans On A Balloon

cigarette and balloon
Kitty enjoys a smoke this week at Smoke And Balloons while sitting on a 24 inch Qualatex in skin tight jeans. Thanks Richard for the suggestion!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Kitty smoking in jeans on a balloon.

Virginia Slims

cigarette and balloon
Adele looks great in these cuban heeled, sheer pantyhose as she lights up a Virginia Slims and smokes while inflating a 17 inch balloon this week at Smoke And Balloons. This one is for the non-poppers.

Click here for a free teaser clip of Adele’s non popping clip.

When Will She Pop It?

cigarette and balloon
Mistress Xev delights in making you cringe. She slowly inflates a balloon at Smoke And Balloons, enjoying her 120 cigarette throughout. She’s going to cig pop the balloon, you just know it; but you don’t know when!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Mistress Xev’s surprise pop.

Alexxia’s Marlborough 100

cigarette and balloon
MEEK7 requested this week’s scene at Smoke And Balloons. He asked that Alexxia ride a balloon while smoking a Marlborough 100. Happy to oblige, we think that Alexxia did a great job of satisfying our members, and her craving đŸ™‚

Click here for a free teaser clip of Alexxia enjoying a marlborough 100.

Cig Popping Balloons

cigarette and balloon
Ava isnt really comfortable with popping balloons, but she sure enjoyed making this clip at Smoke And Balloons. Ava leisurely enjoys a cigarette, (it calms her nerves), while cigpopping a bunch of tightly inflated 16 inch balloons. Maybe we’ll make a popper of her yet!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Ava’s balloon cig popping.

Mouse Eared Balloon

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Kitty does her best to inflate a Mickey Mouse balloon, while enjoying her Virginia Slims cigarette in this week’s clip at Smoke And Balloons. The balloon pops prematurely, but Kitty is non plussed. She simply continues to leisurely smoke her 120 with a few quick snaps till it’s done.

Click here for a free teaser clip of Kitty’s mouse eared balloon.

Smoking Balloon Mistress

cigarette and balloon
Mistress Xev is going to enjoy a cigarette in this week’s clip at Smoke And Balloons, and make you watch. While she smokes, she inflates 3 balloons, filling them with smoke. She’s then going to pop them, whether you want her to or not.

Click here for a free teaser clip of Xev the smoking balloon mistress