Category Archives: Blow To Burst

Condom Blow To Pop

blow to pop condoms

Miel is pretty sexy as she blows up condoms until they pop in this new clip at Blow to Burst!

Here is a teaser clip of Miel blowing to pop condoms

Have Your Say

balloon sites

Over the last few years I’ve experimented with individual clip downloads versus site memberships. I’ve found that over the years, many people simply prefer to download single clips, with a one time fee in the $5 range, and others still enjoy the traditional membership system, where they get access to hundreds or thousands of clips for about $20. I always thought that people get much better value from site memberships, but they obviously don’t appeal to everyone. Now I want to hear your thoughts on the matter. Please stay on topic, this isn’t the place for gripes and complaints, I’m just looking for real discussion so that I can make things better for everyone.
If you prefer individual downloads, I’d like to know your preference in terms of format (pc/ipad etc), and whether you prefer to get your clips from somewhere like C4S or our very own Balloon Video Clips and why.
Thanks in advance to everyone to taking the time to contribute!
Comment away 🙂

Too Slow

blow to pop balloons

Andi tries to b2p a 20 inch balloon in 6 minutes, but fails to beat the clock, running into overtime in this new clip at Blow to Burst!

Here is a teaser clip of Andi’s slow balloon blow to pop

Update Delays

balloon site updates

Hey everybody- Just letting you know that I haven’t forgotten. I was out of town longer than expected, and then spent the last two days dealing with THIS! Now that I’m back on my feet (so to speak) all of this week’s updates will be posted shortly. I apologize for the delay, but I’m pretty sure you’ll understand. For the record, I hate this stupid cast already (grumble… grumble… grumble…)

Balloon Pump To Pop

blow to pop balloons

Xev blows up big neon coloured balloons on the pump, till they shatter into little pieces in this new clip at Blow to Burst!

Here is a teaser clip of Xev using a pump to blow to pop big balloons

17 Inch Kaboom Balloons

blow to pop balloons

Miel blows to pop a pair of 17 inch Kaboom Balloons in this new clip at Blow to Burst These things get huge!!

Here is a teaser clip of Miel blowing to pop a pair of Kaboom balloons

17 Inch Balloons

blow to pop balloons

Slow and sure, Andi blows to pop 17 inch balloons in this new clip at Blow to Burst!

Here is a teaser clip of Andi blowing to pop 17 inch balloons

Blow To Pop With Pump

blow to pop balloons

In this new clip at Blow to Burst Xev uses a pump to blow to pop 20 inch balloons!

Here is a teaser clip of Xev using a pump to blow to pop balloons

One Balloon Inside Another

blow to pop balloons

In this new clip at Blow to Burst Miel blows up one ballon inside of another, generating not one, but two great bangs!

Here is a teaser clip of Miel blowing up one balloon inside of another and popping them both